Today, water is a precious and in-demand commodity that is becoming increasingly limited. When individuals don’t turn off the flush after using out of, the majority of the water is squandered. neglect or sloth. People leave the water running, which results in each flush using 13–16 liters of water. Additionally, occasionally individuals forget to flush the urinals, which leads to a strong odor and an uncomfortable environment and compromises the health of those using it. The use of urinals with automated flush controllers coupled with sensors, which reduce water wastage and maintain a sanitary [1] environment around the urinals, is an effective solution to this issue that lowers the risk of illness.


An automatic flushing system having an electrically-operated flush valve, a sensor for determining the presence of a person and a control circuit responsive to the sensor for initiating the operation of the flush valve.
Urinal is a bowl or other receptable typically attached to a wall in a public toilet into which men may urinate. The urinal at public restroom is the one of the most important place in our societies especial in a place where there is a big number people like school and hospital. It should be clean all the time in order to avoid bad smell and diseases. After the urinal has been used, it should be flushed in order to eliminate bad smell (odor).


In public restrooms at Azania school the existing system is operating manually by using mechanical cork, then this system needs a user to be active for flushing immediately after using. Due to the improper flushing of the toilet and maintenance, bad odor (smell) and unpleasant environment is common found in most public restroom, such situation is outbreak of infectious diseases over the whole ward.


This article suggests an automated flush system with an IR sensor, a solenoid valve, and an Arduino controller to flush urinals automatically on a schedule.
IR sensor pair can detect a person’s presence at a distance of half a meter in front of the urinal.
sensor transmits this data to the Arduino.
Arduino activates the solenoid valve, which initiates the flushing process, as soon as the user exits the urinal. 
To provide the most convenient and sanitary way to flush the urinal


To sanitary environment in the toilet at Azania school.
To minimize unnecessary wastage of water.
It will reduce the school water bill.
To save energy.


This system lead wastage of water.
It provides improper flushing of the toilet and maintenance.
This system consumes large time for operation.


The new system involve the following as the main components
Bridge rectifier


Sensor is a physical device which is capable to detect any physical quantity and to change one type of energy to another type of energy for required purpose.
Most of sensors are constructing with respect to the sensing organs of a human body.
There are different types of sensors depending on uses, such as some sensors detect due to the presence of dust, another one detect due to metallic materials and so forth.


Therefore there are many types of sensors and the following are some of them
Proximity sensor
Photoelectric sensors
Moisture sensors
Pressure sensors
Passive infrared sensor(PIR)


Proximity sensor is a sensor able to detect the presence of nearby objects without any physical contact. Also this sensor has four categories such as
Inductive proximity sensor
This is the type of proximity sensor that it uses a magnetic field to detect metal without physical contact.
Capacitive proximity sensor
This is the type of proximity sensor where it produce an electrostatic instead electromagnet field,sensor will sensing metallic and non-metallic material without physical contact.
Photoelectric proximity sensor
This is the type of proximity sensor which use light sensitive element to detect object and make up of an emitter(light source) and receiver.
Magnetic proximity sensor
This is the type of sensor which is actuating by the presence of a permanent magnet.


A solenoid is a type of electromagnet when the purpose is to generate a controlled magnetic field .If the purpose of the solenoid is instead to impede changes in the electric current, a solenoid can be more specifically classified as an inductor rather than an electromagnet. Also a solenoid act as transducer which convert energy into linear motion. Therefore It used mainly in opening and closing valve.


A bridge rectifier is an arrangement of four or more diodes in a bridge circuit configuration which provides the same output polarity for either input polarity. So It is using for converting an alternating current(AC) input into a direct current (DC) output. A bridge rectifier provides full-wave rectification from a two-wire AC input, therefore resulting in lower weight and cost when compared to a rectifier with a 3-wire input from a transformer with a center tapped secondary winding.


The following are the actual measurement being taken from the urinal at public restroom.

Height 3m
Length 3m
Width 1m

The flowing of water through existing system

15 liters per hour
360 liters per day
10800 liters per month

Then available voltage at the washroom is 240v/50Hz.


The designed system aim to improving the existing one in the sense that it will minimize the unnecessary wastage of water. It will also provide the most convenient and sanitary way to flush the urinal, thus reducing the school water bills
NOTE: Some modification is still going on to see if there will be more improvement on the prototype.


I recommend this system to be taken at Azania school and society so as to be implemented largely in use so that it can eliminate the problem of water loss and disease caused by utilized usage of toilet. Also the project can be complemented in further continuation where the missing component will be found and hence fulfill the requirements. Since the project is likely to succeed it can be used in most areas where they are using flushing system in toilets. The project should be taken under consideration so as completely to clean away waste product and maintain water loss.

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