Here is a circuit that automates the control of a water pump’s motor. When the water level in the overhead tank (OHT) drops below the lower limit, the motor is automatically turned on. Similar to that, it is turned off when the tank is full.


Water is a universal solvent which plays an important role in our everyday life. Water is one of the most common substances in nature. we use it in our everyday activities. Sources of water include rain water, river water, lake water and sea water etc. The world is experiencing lack of water , which implies to manage sources of water source so as to minimize wastage.


Overflowing of water in overhead tank cause wastage of water and energy at Singida secondary school, this occur during filling water in the tank using manual operated pump, an operator cannot wait for it till it gets full. So it is necessary to save water and energy as per present day situation. Therefore, the automatic water level control designed to avoid the problem of unnecessary loss of water and energy.


It can help to avoid unnecessary cost of water and energy, due to spilling out of water from the overhead tank.


The current system  use manual pump to turn ON and OFF, where a person require to switch on the pump when there is no water in tank and switch off when the tank is full. Since an operator is not around or carrying other activities, lead to wastage of water due to overflowing of the tank. 

Transistors T1 and T2 do not conduct when the tank is filled below probe A, and the output of N3 is high as a result. Due to the high output, the motor is powered by relay RL2 to start pumping water into the tank.

Water within the tank supplies base voltage to drive transistor T1 when the tank is filled above probe A but below probe B, and relay RL1 activates to turn on, driving pin 13 of gate N3 high. However, the water in the tank prevents transistor T2 from receiving base voltage, preventing it from conducting, and the logic created by NAND gates N1 and N2 outputs low to pin 12 of gate N3. The end result is that the engine continues to pump water into the tank while N3 production is kept high.

Water in the tank continues to supply transistor T1’s base voltage when the water level rises above probe A but falls below probe B. Relay RL1 is still powered, which causes pin 13 of gate N3 to be high. Nevertheless, transistor T2 does not operate, and the NAND gates N1 and N2’s logic outputs high to pin 12 of N3 instead. As a result, the motor continues to be stopped and N3’s output is still low.


High power consumption
Wastage of water

The overflowing water controller which is an automatic system comprises with different various electronics devices joining to formulate a single system for switching ON and OFF automatically.


It avoid overflowing of water, so, there is no unnecessary wastage of water and energy.
It can maintain an exact presence water level in the tank

Finding R4 and R5

VCC =12V when Q1 is ON
Switching transistors are BC 547,BC548 and BC549. But the suitable NPN transistor is BC547 because can use voltage up to 24V.

Transistor specification
Ic =200mA
IB =1µA
Β =120 up to 150

VCC =Ic×Rc
Rc =VCC/Ic =12v/200mA
Rc =60 Ω
But Rc =R4 =R5 =60Ω

Finding R1
Let switching off voltage(v-) be 8v
so VR1 =IE ×R1
8V =200mA×R1
R1 =8V/200mA
Therefore R1 =40Ω

For the values of R2 and R6 are calculated using voltage divider as follows:-
V0(V+) =(R6/R6+R2)×VCC
By arbitrary selection assuming the value of (V+) =5V which is less than (V-)=8V, and the resistance in R6 is assumed to be 1kΩ.
5V =(1kΩ/1kΩ+R2)×12V
5 +5R2=12
Therefore, R2=1.4Ω, but is not found in standard resistance list. So the value of 1.5Ω can be used

Finding the value of R3
Vout =5V
But, LED specification are
I =20mA
V = 2V
VR3 =Vout – 2V
VR3=5V- 2v
because R3 =3V/20mA=150Ω

Finding the value of R8
Therefore the value of R8=500Ω



As far as the objectives of this project are concerned focusing on the designing of an automatic water level control in water pump were met. The circuit aimed to avoid the overflowing of water in overhead tank which normally occur in domestic and industries. The methodologies are followed so as to accomplish this project like literature review which explained clearly on the existing and proposed systems, data collection and data analysis which were all followed. The prototype was built and tested to observe the intended objectives and it is observed that once the system is used can bring positive effects to the users apart from increasing cost of water and electricity.


The Water overflow controller is a simple yet effective way to prevent wastage of water. Its simplicity in design and low cost components make it an ideal piece of technology for the common person. This system is very efficient in utilization of available water sources. In addition, it can provide a major contribution in the conservation of water for us and the future generations.

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