Illegal power tapping means stealing the electricity by un authorized tapping on the distribution line. Due to theft of electricity is the criminal practice of stealing electrical power. It is a crime and punishable also it has impact on the economical of the country.

Types of illegal power tapping

There many types of illegal power tapping like meter tilting, mechanical impendent to rotating disk, placing magnet. But basically there are two types.
Drilling holes in to the meter known as meter tempering or bypassing meter
Direct hooking on the distribution line.
Type one can be controlled by sealing the meter by the authority (TANESCO) but type two is incontrollable theft.


Illegal power tapping is the non-technical losses in the distribution system, it is against the rules of Electricity Authority (TANESCO) where by people tap power direct from the distribution line. Visual inspection to check for illegal power tapping which is very difficult to identify the thief also people inspecting can take corruption.

Due to illegal power tapping the appropriate bills are not taken by the electricity authority (TANESCO) cannot take the actual charges of electricity use. Thus the proposed system is best suited for the problem regarding the illegal power taping.

Main objective

So the aim of this project is to design a circuit that will automatically detect illegal power tapping in distribution line (TANESCO).
  Specific objective
Design peak detector circuit
Identify the components
Built a prototype
Test the prototype


The proposed circuit system will help
Detect illegal power tapping without any human control
Improve operational efficiency
Saves time and human labor
Maximize the profit margin of (TANESCO)


According to the existing system visual inspection method is used to check for illegal tapping of power in the distribution line.
The distribution line of TANESCO has no theft detection where by power is transmitted direct from the substation to poles erected transformer then from the transformer power is fed to the customer direct

Disadvantage of the existing system

No any technology is implemented by TANESCO for detection of illegal tapping in the distribution line.
Visual inspection is being used for the illegal power tapping detection has human errors.
The method used encourages corruption to the people inspecting.


Operation of the proposed system
In this scheme two current transformers connect at both end of the load. If there is no theft then the secondary current of both the current transformers will be the same.

By using this principle one current transformer link at the starting point of the distributor and the other because current transformers link to the different legal loads.

If the vector sum of current of all the CT’s connected to load is equal to the current in the main CT then there will be no illegal power tapping. However if there is a difference in the current then there will illegal power tapping

Advantage of the proposed system

detect illegal power tapping without any human control
Improve operational efficiency
Save time and human labour
Maximize the profit margin of (TANESCO)

Limitations of the system

Since the CT’s link across each span of distribution system its installation as well as maintenance cost become higher. It is a system which give information about the theft of electricity but not solve the theft problem itself.

Current transformer evaluation
Load= 2 bulb with rating of 7 watts
Terminal Voltage= 230V
but I=7/230
Load Current (I)=0.03 Amps
Turn ratio(n)=Np/Ns=Is/Ip
CT Ratio=100/5
so turn ratio=20:1,
Therefore, the Current Transformers used have turn ratio of 20:1 with the standard current rating from 0-5 Ampere

Q = C x V equation (1)

Q = I x T equation (2)

Substitute equation (2) in equation (1)

where I x T = C x V

C = (I x T) / V

Here output voltage is V = 5 DC, I = 2 amps, f=50 Hz

but T = 1/ f

1 / 50 Hz

0.02 seconds

so, C = (2 x0.02) / 5

800 x 10-6 F


Direct connections to the power system, our country use through tapping the power line is one of the methods for electricity theft a common form of commercial losses. The proposed system, although might seem to be little bit complex as far as distribution network is concern.

But it’s an automated system of theft detection that saves time as well as help maximize profit margin. For utility company working in electrical distribution network. Utility company can keep a constant eye on its costumer at an affordable cost due to this new system.


It is a system which give information about the theft of electricity but not solve the theft problem itself but by use of this system solving the problem of non technical losses of electricity.
Since the CT’s links across each span of distribution system its installation as well as maintenance cost become higher.

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